Xamarin vs Cordova: A Comparison

August 31, 2021

Xamarin vs Cordova: A Comparison

In today's world of app development, Xamarin and Cordova are two of the most popular cross-platform frameworks used by developers. While Cordova was released in 2009, Xamarin was launched eight years later, in 2011. In this post, we aim to provide a factual and unbiased comparison of both frameworks to help you understand which one might be better for your project.

What is Xamarin?

Xamarin is a Microsoft-owned open-source platform that aims to simplify cross-platform development for various devices. Xamarin uses a single codebase for creating native-like mobile, web, and desktop apps. This platform's strength lies in the fact that it uses C# and .NET, powerful languages that can be used for multiple platforms.

What is Cordova?

Cordova is a free and open-source platform for building mobile applications using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Developers can write a single codebase and achieve a cross-platform app that can run on various operating systems such as Android, IOS and Windows.

Factors to Consider


Xamarin provides native-like application performance due to its use of a native UI and access to native APIs, leading to a seamless experience. On the other hand, Cordova relies on WebView, which runs on the browser and might cause performance issues with animation and page transitions.

Development Time

Since Xamarin provides code commonality and reusability across multiple platforms, it leads to faster development times for developers. Cordova also provides code sharing, but it is not as efficient as Xamarin, leading to slower development times.

User Interface

Although Cordova provides some UI integration features, developers may face fewer design and style options than Xamarin, leading to an inconsistent look and feel across platforms. Xamarin, on the other hand, provides efficient UI design tools, resulting in a consistent look and feel across platforms.

Learning Curve

Cordova's learning curve is easier for people who know HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, while Xamarin has a steeper learning curve, with a requirement of knowledge in C# and .NET.


In conclusion, the choice between Xamarin and Cordova depends on what you prioritize in your app development process. While Cordova provides an intuitive platform and faster development time, Xamarin provides a better performance and user interface design. Both frameworks have their pros and cons, but the choice ultimately comes down to what you prioritize.

We hope this post helps you with your decision-making process, and please don't hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions.


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